Road works

Mini-trench excavation and Fiber optic laying

Since 2007 Tecol has been active in the laying of telecommunication infrastructures. We carry out mini-trench and traditional excavations for laying fibre optics and copper, manholes and equipment. We have our own vehicles and equipment, as well as personnel qualified in confined space work, work at height, road signs and georadar surveys to identify existing infrastructures. If required, the infrastructure division also operates a fibre optic fault repair service.
Fiber optics minitrench excavation
Fiber optics minitrench excavation
Fiber optics minitrench excavation
Road wells
Road wells
Road wells
Backfilling and asphalting
Backfilling and asphalting
Means and equipment

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Tecol Group Srl
Via Avosso 120, 16015 Casella GE, Italy
Share capital euro 50,000
VAT no. IT01701040998
REA 428.978 GE
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Company certified
ISO 9001:2015 Quality
ISO 14001:2015 Environment
ISO 45001:2018 Safety
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Authorised subcontractors

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